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The Beatles

Przeboje według stohitow.pl

  1. The Beatles - I Want To Hold Your Hand
  2. The Beatles - Let It Be
  3. The Beatles - Hey Jude
  4. The Beatles - Come Together
  5. The Beatles - She Loves You
  6. The Beatles - Help!
  7. The Beatles - Please Please Me
  8. The Beatles - A Hard Day's Night
  9. The Beatles - Love Me Do
  10. The Beatles - Here Comes The Sun
  11. The Beatles - Twist And Shout
  12. The Beatles - Something
  13. The Beatles - Can't Buy Me Love
  14. The Beatles - Do You Want To Know A Secret
  15. The Beatles - I Saw Her Standing There
  16. The Beatles - Lady Madonna
  17. The Beatles - The Long And Winding Road
  18. The Beatles - Yellow Submarine
  19. The Beatles - Penny Lane
  20. The Beatles - Ticket To Ride
  21. The Beatles - All You Need Is Love
  22. The Beatles - Got To Get You Into My Life
  23. Billy Preston & The Beatles - Get Back
  24. The Beatles - Eight Days A Week
  25. The Beatles - Nowhere Man
  26. The Beatles - Revolution
  27. The Beatles - All My Loving
  28. The Beatles - Paperback Writer
  29. The Beatles - We Can Work It Out
  30. The Beatles - If I Fell
  31. The Beatles - Now And Then

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Dodatkowe informacje

Piosenek w serwisie: 31

Najlepiej oceniony utwór: I Want To Hold Your Hand

Miejsce w rankingu najlepszych artystów: 47
